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Maternal, Child, & Adolescent Health



“With You We Have a Voice”


PEDIM's Accomplishments

April 2010
Provided training to over 100 health care providers and physicians at the Commission to End Health Care Disparities Workshop. Supervisor Mark Ridley Thomas, Jonathan Fielding, and Tonya Lewis Lee (an award-winning TV producer that released the documentary "Crisis in the Crib” in 2009 were key note speakers. The training was facilitated by the American Medical Association, Joint Commission to End Health Care Disparities.

Developed a health brief focusing on health disparities among African American Infants in Los Angeles County. The brief provides infant mortality background information and statistics by mother’s race/ethnicity and Service Planning Areas (SPA’s).

February 2010
South Los Angeles Health Projects (SLAHP) provided a three day “Undoing Racism” training by The People’s Institute to their staff and community stake holders.

January 2010
Shields for Families sent five of their directors to a three day “Undoing Racism” training by The People’s Institute in New Orleans, Louisiana.

November 2009
March of Dimes and Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Programs conducted four Healthy Babies Healthy Futures (HBHF) trainings to a wide range audience at the Crenshaw Christian Center, Shields for Families, and Black Infant Health Program. It specifically addressed birth outcomes and racism.

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