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Maternal, Child, & Adolescent Health



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About Us

The Partnership to Eliminate Disparities in Infant Mortality Action Learning Collaborative (PEDIM ALC) is a national collaboration formed in fall 2008. CityMatCH, the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP), and the National Healthy Start Association (NHSA) created the PEDIM ALC, with an aim to eliminate racial inequities contributing to infant mortality within U.S. urban areas. Los Angeles County was chosen to serve as one of the six teams to bring together multi-disciplinary state/local organizations to strengthen partnerships, build community participation and develop innovative strategies for addressing racial inequities in infant mortality in the U.S.

The short term goals of the project are to: develop an in-depth report describing & assessing racism and infant death in LAC, following a life-course perspective; develop and revise the Los Angeles Mommy and Baby (LAMB) & Los Angeles Health Overview of a Pregnancy Event (LA HOPE) tools to further elucidate the association between racism & adverse birth outcomes; identify existing resources, potential partners, & opportunities for collaboration to further confront racism; & to develop a framework for an online learning community to share knowledge & resources for customizing training to local communities & target audiences. With these tools and mechanisms in place, we expect that the long term impact will be to unite, expand, & diversify efforts to dismantle racism in all sectors interfacing with MCAH, resulting in a lasting improvement in infant health.

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