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DPH Vital Records Office

Data Collection & Analysis
Data Collection and Analysis Unit
Department of Public Health
County of Los Angeles

DPH Vital Records Office
DPH Vital Records Office
313 North Figueroa Street
Room Lobby-1
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Monday -Friday 8:00 – 4:00 pm (closed weekends & holidays)

For Holiday Schedule, please click here.

Phone: (213) 288-7812 (births)
Phone: (213) 288-7816 (deaths)

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DPH Vital Records Office - Burial, Removal and Transit Permits

Death Related Services

Funeral Consumers Alliance of Los Angeles
For over 45 years, the LAFS has promoted advance planning for funeral needs and the consumer's right to choose a meaningful, dignified, and affordable funeral. The Funeral Consumers Alliance is not a business and not a funeral provider. It is a non-profit organization which provides information to the public about funeral choices and consumer rights.
P.O. Box 122 Cressey,
CA 95312
(Phone) 213-222-6440

National Funeral Directors Association
"This site, offered by the world's largest funeral service organization, offers important resources to both the consumer and the funeral service professional. Read about current trends, issues, and career opportunities as well as find helpful publications on planning a funeral and dealing with grief."

Find a Grave
View the grave sites of many notable people through this searchable database.

Funeral Consumers Alliance (FCA)
As a nonprofit organization, its main focus is to protecting a consumer's right to choose a meaningful, dignified, and affordable funeral since 1963.
33 Patchen Road, South Burlington, Vermont 05403
Phone: (800) 765-0107

CA Department of Consumer Affairs' Cemetery and Funeral Bureau
The Cemetery and Funeral Bureau regulates, and investigates complaints against California funeral establishments, funeral directors, embalmers, apprentice embalmers, cemetery brokers, cemetery salespersons, cremated remains disposers, crematories, and the nearly 200 licensed cemeteries in the state.
400 R Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (800) 952-5210

Cremation Association of North America (CANA)
401 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: (312) 644-6610

Cemetery and Mortuary Association of California (CMAC)
925 L Street, Suite 260 Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 441-4533

California Funeral Directors Association
One Capitol Mall, Suite 800, Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (800) 255-2332

Los Angeles County Funeral Directors Association
6475 East Pacific Coast Highway, #340, Long Beach, CA 90803
Phone: (562) 799-8499

Useful Links
Learn more about other death related services we are providing.

Authorized Certified Death Certificate
Burial, Removal and Transit Permits
Electronic Death Registration System
Still Birth Certificate

Los Angeles County Seal: Enriching lives through effective and caring services