Substance Abuse Prevention and Control
Capacity Building Initiative

California’s Medi-Cal 2020 1115(a) Drug Medi-Cal (DMC) Organized Delivery System (ODS) Waiver Demonstration Project paves the way for Los Angeles County (LAC) to
expand access to a broader range of substance use disorder (SUD) treatment benefits to all Medi-Cal-eligible youth and adults. With the new benefits and rates,
however, comes the requirement to improve access and availability of all levels of care (LOC) across LAC, and make placement decisions based on uniform clinical
standards and medical necessity.
To support SUD network providers in successfully making this transition, Substance Abuse Prevention and Control (SAPC) will provide funding to select contracts to help
achieve the following two goals:
Enable SUD contractors with General Program Services (GPS) contracts, in particular those with the least access to other financial resources, to develop and
strengthen their organizational capacity to expand and sustain effective treatment and recovery services.
Enable contracted residential treatment providers to improve or maintain the quality, efficiency, accessibility, and reach of their residential facilities.
To find out if your agency is eligible to receive these funds, see the
SAPC Provider Letter and the
List of Eligible Agencies .
Contract Related Documents
Capacity Building Resources
California State University Northridge (CSUN), College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Valley Nonprofit Resources:
Technical assistance resources, including the
Resource Directory for Nonprofit Capacity Building in Los Angeles County.
California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions:
Provides training, technical assistance and consulting services in the mental health and substance use fields.
The Center for Public Skills Training - Create the Future:
Provides various forms of online tools, resources, and technical assistance.
Executive Services Corps of Southern California:
Provides management development services to nonprofits located in Southern California.
National Council of Nonprofits:
A national organization that provides various resources to nonprofits, including the following topic areas: advocacy, boards and governance, employment, ethics and
accountability, financial management, fundraising and leadership.
If you are aware of additional capacity building or technical assistance websites or documents that might be added to this webpage, please e-mail: