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Maternal, Child, & Adolescent Health


LA HOPE - Families

Contact Information
For more information about the project, please feel free to contact us:

Telephone number: 213-639-6457

Luz Arboleda-Babcock, BSN, PHN  at

Diana Liu at

L. A. HOPE (Los Angeles Health Overview of a Pregnancy Event) is a survey sponsored by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. We are asking women who have had a fetal or infant loss to answer questions about their life before, during, and after pregnancy.


The goal of the L. A. HOPE Project is to reduce infant death and promote the health of mothers and babies. The information from the survey may help us improve programs and policies for health and grief support.


  • To collect data about pregnancy, fetal loss, and infant death.
  • To analyze how things that happen to mothers during pregnancy relate to their baby’s health.
  • To plan and evaluate health programs and policies.
  • To improve grief support for families affected by loss.

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