Division of HIV and STD Programs
600 S. Commonwealth Ave., 10th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Phone:(213) 351-8000
Fax: (213) 738-0825
Email: DHSP@ph.lacounty.gov
Office Hrs: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. M-F
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)
is an emergency treatment that can reduce your
chances of becoming infected with HIV, the virus
that causes AIDS, after you had a high risk
exposure, for example unprotected sex or sharing
needles. The treatment is an emergency because
the medical services must begin at the very latest
72 hours (3 days) after the exposure. The sooner you
begin PEP treatment, the more effective it will be.
PEP consists of 28 days of antiretroviral drug
therapy - medicines in pill form that slow down or
stop HIV from reproducing in the body.
Antiretroviral drugs are the type of medicine that
HIV-positive people take to stay healthy.
For more information, please check out this
What is PrEP?
PrEP is a daily pill
taken by individuals who are HIV-negative before
they are potentially exposed to HIV. PrEP has been
shown to reduce the risk of HIV infection by up to
92% when taken consistently.
For more info call the LA County PrEP warmline -
(213) 351-7699
is a High-risk HIV Exposure?
Having sex or sharing needles with a known HIV-positive partner or a
partner of unknown status and one of the
following events:
Unprotected receptive anal sex or with a
failed condom
Unprotected insertive anal sex or with a
failed condom
Unprotected receptive vaginal intercourse or
with a failed condom
Unprotected insertive vaginal intercourse or
with a failed condom