How can I get my child
tested for lead?
If you have health insurance or a regular healthcare
provider, please contact them for blood lead testing.
The providers on this list accept Medi-Cal and can
provide no cost or low cost health services to children
18 years and younger.
Coach for Kids (mobile clinic)
Request an appointment: (888) 9-COACH-9
View upcoming events
St. John's Community Health
Request an appointment: (323) 541-1411
Find a clinic
Quest Diagnostics Lab
People in the communities of Vernon,
Commerce, Maywood, East Los Angeles, Bell,
Huntington Park, and parts of Boyle Heights may be
eligible for a free blood lead test through Quest.
Call our hotline to find out if you are eligible: (800)
Who can help me get health
care coverage?
Covered California
Get the coverage and care that are right for you and
your family. Apply to see if you qualify for a discount
on a health plan through Covered California, or get
health insurance through Medi-Cal.
CoveredCA.com or call (800) 300-1506 Monday to
Friday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Apply for Medi-Cal, CalFresh, and CalWORKS.
LA Care
Call for help with Medi-Cal enrollment: (888) 839-9909
Make an appointment at a Family Resource Center to apply
for Medi-Cal
- Boyle Heights: (213) 294-2840
- Inglewood: (310) 330-3130
- Lynwood: (310) 661-3000
- Pacoima: (213) 438-5497
Maternal & Child Health Access (MCHA)
Get help with applying for free and low-cost health
coverage as well as referrals for health services in LA
Call: (213) 749-4261
LA County Department of Public Social Services Customer Service Center
Get help with Medi-Cal, CalFresh, CalWORKS, and general relief applications.
Call toll-free: (866) 613-3777
Local Help Lines:
- (626) 569-1399
- (310) 258-7400
- (818) 701-8200
OneDegree.org CommonApp
Apply for Medi-Cal, CalFresh and other benefit programs.
Visit CommonApp.1Degree.org