Provider Communicable
Disease Reporting in Los Angeles County
What communicable diseases
must be reported?
Healthcare providers are required by California law to report a variety of
suspected or confirmed communicable diseases as well as
outbreaks of any disease California Code of Regulations, Title 17§2500).
State law defines a “health care provider" as a physician and surgeon, veterinarian, podiatrist, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, registered nurse, nurse midwife, school nurse, infection control practitioner, medical examiner, coroner, or dentist.
Information on reporting COVID-19 outbreaks or clusters provided below.
How to report:
If the case resides in LA County,
providers must report the case through the LA County
Department of Public Health Communicable Disease
Reporting System.
Certain diseases as well as all outbreaks, and
occurrences of unusual diseases must be reported by
phone. See page 2 of
LA County Provider Reportable Diseases and Conditions
List for a breakdown by reporting priority.
Telephone reporting:
- (888) 397-3993
- (213) 240-7941
To report a non-urgent disease:
If the case resides in Long Beach, Pasadena, or other
counties in California, please consult the appropriate health
department. See
CDPH Local Health Districts.
When to report?
Certain communicable diseases, outbreaks, and the occurrence of any unusual disease are considered emergencies and must be reported immediately. See the
LA County Provider Reportable Diseases and Conditions
List for the mandated timing for reporting different communicable diseases and
Why report?
What is an unusual disease?
An “unusual disease” is a rare disease or a newly
apparent or emerging disease or syndrome of uncertain
etiology which a health care provider has reason to
believe could possibly be caused by a transmissible
infectious agent or microbial toxin.
Reporting COVID-19 Outbreaks or
case clusters.
In LA County, all facilities outlined in the
County Health Officer Order are required to report
clusters of COVID-19 cases.
To return to the Disease Reporting Page for
Health Professionals, click