About Swimming Pool Service Technician
Swimming Pool Service Technicians servicing pools in Los Angeles County, including private pools, are required to be certified per Los Angeles County Code, Title 11. This includes "any individual engaged in the business or occupation of treating or disinfecting swimming pool waters, cleaning, servicing, or maintaining swimming pools or facilities and appurtenances thereof." Other certifications such as CFO or AFO are not equivalent to the LA County certification, and do not meet this requirement.
If you would like to employ a certified swimming pool service technician, please view our Certified Swimming Pool Service Technician List .
This information is provided only as a resource for applicants who may wish to use it. Attendance at a pool class is not required to take the Certified Swimming Pool Service Technician or Technician Apprentice Examination. The pool classes below are not affiliated with Los Angeles County and the County doesn’t endorse or recommend them.
Antelope/Santa Clarita/San Fernando Valleys
Blue Wave Certification Instruction
Two Saturday classes
Instructor: Tom Clark
Advanced Service Technician Course™ (AST® Certification)
Certified Pool/Spa Operator® Certification Course (CPO®)
Offered at various times and locations throughout southern California
National Swimming Pool Foundation
4775 Granby Circle.
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Los Angeles
Russ Tucker Pool School
Instructor: Russ Tucker
Two Saturday morning classes
Professional Pool and Spa Operator Course (PPSO)
Offered through
The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals
2111 Eisenhower Ave
Alexandria, VA 22314
Riverside / Anaheim / San Diego
Another Perfect Pool
2 day CPO classes
Instructor: Steve Donohoe
San Fernando Valley
Russ Tucker Pool School
Instructor: Russ Tucker
Two Friday evening classes
San Gabriel Valley
National Pool Tech Training
Instructor: Berry H. Hall
222 E. Foothill Blvd.
Monrovia, CA 91017
Two-day training course
South Bay
Russ Tucker Pool School
Instructor: Russ Tucker
Two Thursday evening classes
Sherwood Pool Consulting Group
10401 Venice Blvd, #322
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Instructor: Steve Sherwood
2 Day CPO Course
Two Thursday evening classes
Report a Problem
If you observe code violations or would like to report an issue you may call the call center at (888) 700-9995 or to the Recreational Waters program at (626) 430-5360 or File a Complaint Online. In addition, inquiries can also be emailed to rhealth@ph.lacounty.gov